Curiosity and an eagerness to learn are usually the best mindset one can ask from a person. It drives exploration and discovery which is followed by opportunities to learn – something I knew would always benefit my life – after all, it is a tried-and-true mindset. However, looking back at my three months as an Apprentice at Headland, I believe it’s only now that I have understood the depths of curiosity and how it has enabled me, in acquiring skills for life.
I finished my A Levels in 2022, studying English Literature, History, and Religious Education. During my studies, my future was constantly coming into question. Whether it was from teachers, family, or friends, it would somehow become a topic of conversation. The linear method of education which followed GCSE, A levels, and then University felt as though it was a predetermined path, one that didn’t quite align with my aspirations.
Real-world experience
Instead of pursuing higher education, I decided to take a gap year. This gave me a chance to distinguish between what I liked and what I disliked. As my gap year progressed alongside my research, I found myself increasingly drawn to the world of apprenticeships. The idea of learning while working and gaining practical skills in a real–world setting, resonated deeply with me.
Eventually, I stumbled across Headland’s apprenticeship programme in collaboration with the PRCA, an organisation that aims to raise standards in the PR and communications industry, on a website named Creative Access. and something just clicked. The prospect of gaining a Level 4 Qualification in Public Relations while working with exciting brands was too good to pass up. So, armed with my newfound curiosity and a determination to chart my path, I applied.
Professional growth
Fast forward to today, I can confidently say that embracing curiosity has driven personal and professional growth. Throughout my apprenticeship at Headland, I have not only developed practical skills in PR like copy writing, media management, data analysis and compiling notes, but also cultivated essential life skills that will serve me in the years to come such as active listening.
When I first started, and was introduced to my client teams, I felt extremely nervous. I didn’t know what type of impact I was going to have on the team and struggled to find my footing. However, with time, my curiosity drove me to ask questions and seek understanding. By approaching new teams or tasks with a curious mindset, I have been able to contribute positively, and develop my practical skills like problem-solving.
One of my favourite places to exercise my curiosity has been the brainstorms. They are dynamic sessions – rather than meetings, where creativity knows no bounds. It all starts with a clear objective or challenge where the team defines what we are aiming to achieve, whether it’s raising brand awareness, driving engagement, or helping to solve specific client problems. It is through these sessions that I can approach challenges with a sense of innovation and ingenuity, which has led me to become confident and unafraid to experiment, iterate, and push the boundaries of what is possible.
Lastly, my curiosity has helped foster a willingness to explore new technologies, methodologies, and approaches, and has facilitated my ability to remain adaptable within a rapidly evolving landscape.
Overall, by embracing curiosity, I realise now that I have become empowered to step out of my comfort zone, embrace uncertainty, and seize opportunities for growth at every turn. An underrated yet powerful skill for life.
Our apprenticeship programme is open to anyone who has completed A-Levels (or equivalent). It is delivered in partnership with the industry body, the PRCA. Apprentices work over an 18-month timeframe to complete a Level 4 Apprenticeship qualification (which is a nationally recognised Diploma). If you’re interested in opportunities at Headland, visit our Careers page to find out more.
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